Whether the UK does or does not go through with Brexit and whether we are or are not ruled by Europe’s new Circular Economy legislation, the thinking is already part of government thinking. As an island, we must do what all islands must do and be more self-sufficient. Circular economy thinking!
As recently stated by Defra:
"The Government wants to create a vibrant market for recycled materials in the UK. Our forthcoming Resources and Waste Strategy will set out measures to deliver on these ambitions".
ORA has a very important role to play in promoting best practice, helping waste processors and recyclers to be more competitive and formulating an effective public policy in the decarbonisation era, especially during the period of the fourth and fifth carbon budgets through until 2032.
ORA can act as a co-ordinated voice of business when talking to Government departments and by rapidly broadcasting Government thinking, policy and positions to its Members.
Constructive but challenging engagement with Government helps to shape the policy making process, by putting forward the collective position of its members to government departments, agencies, regulators, the media and think tanks. This will become more important when the centre of power shifts from Brussels to London.
ORA aims to provide archetypal services to businesses that have common interests in the niche waste sectors. In return for an annual subscription fee ORA offers many services including a bi-monthly trade journal, conferences, networking, training, technical advice, auditing, and End of Waste educational materials and experience.
It is in the long-term interest of companies and individuals currently engaged in the waste processing and recycling sectors to join ORA for the following reasons:

Constructive but challenging engagement with Government helps to shape the policy making process, by putting forward the collective position of its members to government departments, agencies, regulators, the media and think tanks. This will become more important when the centre of power shifts from Brussels to London.
ORA aims to provide archetypal services to businesses that have common interests in the niche waste sectors. In return for an annual subscription fee ORA offers many services including a bi-monthly trade journal, conferences, networking, training, technical advice, auditing, and End of Waste educational materials and experience.
It is in the long-term interest of companies and individuals currently engaged in the waste processing and recycling sectors to join ORA for the following reasons:

- Benefits include free advice on a broad range of issues, access to kinship services at preferential rates and regulatory cost aversion.
- ORA is seen as a voice from the sector thereby providing assurances that government and other authorities are receiving a fully developed understanding of what is good for the sector.
- ORA can check and compare sensitive information for government statistical reporting purposes or for managing compliance with an agreed code of conduct.
- Specialist technical, legal and commercial advice that is not normally available to small and medium sized organisations.
- ORA can undertake specific projects which can benefit members or industry as a whole with Members able to be involved through ORA’s Working Groups to influence the outcome of these projects.
- Opportunities for members to network with their peers at conferences, meetings and other events thereby gaining the knowledge about issues that may affect their business.
- Updates on changes to technical standards, policy and news.
- Enrichment of a company’s reputation with membership of ORA seen as a quality badge in a heavily regulated waste sector.
Government likes to consult with ORA because:
- ORA represents private businesses that create profits and employment.
- ORA have a good intelligence network to represent members’ interests.
- ORA recognises and classifies the impacts of policy measures on its sector and acts as a resource to ensure that Government actions achieve their desired purpose.
- ORA leads on sector thinking with standard setting and pro-active policies incorporating practical solutions.
- ORA helps Government to identify any evolving issues and develop solutions to problems.
Other parties deal with ORA Members because:
- ORA requires its Members to sign up to its Code of Practice and submit to ORA’s audit and vetting process as and when required.
- ORA’s complaints process can be used to resolve a problem between a member and a customer.
- ORA represents reputable businesses. Membership is a commercial decision and if members were not serious about proving their substance they would not be associated with other member organisations that do take this matter seriously.
- ORA has already produced a quality assurance scheme that is considered best practice. Compliance can be demonstrated by those members who demonstrate full compliance with the PFO Quality Protocol to obtain the Licensed Quality Mark. Similar schemes will be developed for other recycled materials.