ORA supports the European convention of a resource led strategy underpinned by waste minimisation and reuse and reflected in the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) to which waste oil has its own Article 21.
The long term goal for Europe is to become a society that seeks first to avoid waste and then uses any unavoidable waste arising as a resource. A clear, long term, established hierarchy of reuse, recovery and recycling objectives is illustrated in the Waste Framework Directive (WFD – 2008/98/EC) that has placed those activities above disposal.
Wherever possible, ORA support a policy of encouraging the reuse and recycling of post use mineral oils. Waste oil and particularly that deriving from used lubricating oils possesses certain special characteristics such it that it may either be recycled to make a recovered basic lubricating oil blending stock, or, its calorific energy content be recovered as a fuel. Either way offers the propensity for a high rate of recovery.
Historically, a number of factors have combined in the UK to drive the preferred option to investments in energy recovery techniques though the situation remains a dynamic one. Where due to technical, economic and organisational constraints it is not practicable to recycle to basic oil production then energy recovery options provide for a secure solution to this hazardous waste problem. In simple terms this means reuse as a fuel has an important role to play.
Importantly, the ORA support management options that reflect scenarios other than a simple recycle versus energy recovery solutions. ORA contend that where a fuel solution is sought then high quality fuels should be produced from waste streams that are similar to comparable virgin fuels in respect of their impact on both human health and environmental aspects.
This art has been developed extensively so in its membership such fuels may subject to strict controls no longer be considered as waste, thus underpinning wider reuse strategies.
ORA members agree to act to ensure that whatever treatment operation is undertaken in respect of the post use of used mineral oils that such action will be followed in the interests of resource use efficiency without endangering human health or using processes or methods which could harm the environment.
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